How Conscious Hotels rewards their employees equally

How Conscious Hotels fairly rewards fixed and flexible employees

Being part of the hospitality industry, Conscious Hotels is no stranger to using both fixed and flexible contracts for their employees. Their flex pool includes students with fluctuating availability each week, as well as employees who wish to work for a period and then travel for one to three months. But how do you reward people with flexible or zero-hour contracts in a way that is fair compared to their fixed-contract colleagues?

Sustainable all the way

As the name implies, all Conscious Hotels’ locations are created consciously – they’re fully electric, furnished with recycled furniture, and have a 100% biological and vegetarian operation. Marco Lemmers, the founder and CEO of Conscious Hotels, explains their approach as follows: “Sustainability is the core of our concept.” For them, it’s all about Big Smiles and being ‘Eco-Sexy’.

Conscious Hotels doesn’t want to just make ‘eco’ sexy, they claim it, by making their product as attractive as possible. According to Marco, “The only way to save the planet is to seduce people to come along and have a really attractive proposition.”

"We chose Alleo to offer fringe benefits while also focusing on sustainability. This allows us to tailor what we offer to our employees.” - Marco Lemmers, CEO and founder of Conscious Hotels

Big Smiles

Aside from their focus on sustainability, Conscious Hotel also wants to provide ‘Big Smiles’. “It’s about taking good care of your staff”, says Marco Lemmers. Part of that is providing the right benefits for all their employees.

“If we would benchmark all the benefits that are currently offered within the hotel industry, they’re a little bit boring. They are all kind of the same. So we wanted to offer something unique that caters to all of our employees. -  Carla Ridder, Head of People & Innovation

To show their workforce appreciation and that they’re valued, Conscious Hotels decided to offer a set of benefits that would fit everyone’s personal situations and wishes. For them, Alleo was the perfect solution. Of course, the People & Development department could have compiled and offered a selected collection of benefits, but now people can pick their own benefits from a range of options. It means fewer limitations and disappointments of not being able to use certain benefits.

Benefits for all employees

Conscious Hotels wanted to reward all of their staff in an equal way. Fixed employees receive a set amount of monthly budget each month to spend on all the benefits in the Alleo app, including monthly benefits. As for flex workers? 

For every hour a flex employee works, they get a certain amount of budget. As a result, they save up their budget based on the working hours during each month. Their budget is paid out in the app on a quarterly basis and employees can spend it on all the available one-off benefits in the app, whether that’s a gift card for the School of life or Peakz Padel. In addition, everyone can also access all of Conscious Hotels’ existing benefits in the app, including discounts on food, drinks, and overnight stays.

The Impact

Conscious Hotels is now able to give all their employees an extra reward for their hard work. It’s one of the ways that they want to ensure ‘Big Smiles’ for their employees. And that’s greatly appreciated. “Everyone was very positive about this offer and the opportunity to receive some extra budget.” (Jasmine van Denderen, Talent Partner at Conscious Hotels.)

“I really hope that people feel that we value them. And that they really appreciate the choice that they have, that they didn’t have before. We feel like we offer a unique set of benefits compared to our competitors.” - Carla Ridder

Customer story

How do you offer benefits that all employees, regardless of role or employment status, appreciate?

The result? A happier team, with employees in both the office and the warehouse getting exactly what they need.
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How do you offer benefits that multiple generations appreciate?

To show appreciation, Conscious Hotels decided to offer a benefits package that aligns with the personal situation and preferences of each employee.

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What benefits do you offer when your team has different wellbeing needs?

Van Dijnsen switched to the Alleo app, which offers a wide range of benefits tailored to the personal needs of their employees.
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